Previous Speaking Events

How Has Redlining Persisted into the Modern Day? (September 2022)

Panelist on an event for the Greenlining Institute’s speaker series: Now & Next, on how algorithms can impact Black communities and what we can do about it.

Smartphone Warranties and Consumer Right-to-Repair Issues: What every phone owner should know (August 2022)

Presenter for a webinar for Consumer Action. Presented on the legislative landscape in the U.S. on Right to Repair. video here

US House of Representatives Panel on the Algorithmic Accountability Act (July 2022)

Participant on a 3 person panel organized by Color of Change and Rep. Yvette Clarke, speaking to U.S. House staffers on the importance of passing AI related legislation to mitigate algorithmic harm.

ENTITY Academy Mentor - “Public Policy in AI” (October 2021)

Gave and overview of the issues of AI and the legal landscape to data science students.

RightsCon 2021 - “Regulatory Solutions to AI’s Infringement on Civil Rights (US Focused)” (June 2021)

Organized and moderated a panel on AI and Civil Rights with speakers from Upturn, the Greenlining Institute, and ACLU Washington. video here

Lesbians Who Tech 2021 - “Tools and Policies to Address Discrimination in Algorithmic Systems” (June 2021)

Co-presenter in a fireside chat discussing the current AI legal landscape and proposed policy and practical data science solutions to algorithmic harm.

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